Divine Collaboration Holistic Expo MARCH 22-23
Divine Collaboration Holistic Expo MARCH 22-23
When we began our crystal journey we did not understand or feel connected to the crystal skulls. Then we met George.
George is a 30-pound Brazilian Clear Quartz Crystal Skull. George opened us up to the world of crystal skulls. As we have travelled and worked with George, we found a Love not only for the crystal the skull was carved from but also for the energies that communicate through them.
When we opened Etheric Connections, we had a handful of skulls. Today we have hundreds of skulls to choose from. We have 1" skulls to 30+ pound skulls available at our 33 Buford Ave shop in Historic Gettysburg Pennsylvania and online at Etheric Connections TOO.
Today Leslie and Lloyd have many skulls that they work with during readings, meditations, healing, griding and for many other uses.
We offer Crystal Skull Meditations the 3rd Thursday of each month at our 33 Buford Ave location in Historic Gettysburg Pennsylvania.
There is a great deal of mystery and mysticism concerning the origins of crystal skulls. I am not here to tell you whether the story of the 13 original crystal skulls is true or false. There are scholars and scientists with differing opinions on the origin story of the 13 Crystal Skulls. What I will tell you is my belief and the story of how we became crystal skull guardians.
The origin story tells that when all 13 Crystal Skulls are united that higher levels of teaching will be released to humanity and that an impending doom will be diverted. Some would say that the 13 skulls were distributed around the planet by the inhabitants of Atlantis. Some say that they were brought to earth by the Sky People and seeded amongst the indigenous tribes and inhabitants of Mother Earth. The Navaho were gifted one of the 13 skulls by the Sky People to use in ceremony and for scrying to receive higher dimensional communications. It is believed by some that the Aztec, Mayan, Tibetan, Aboriginal Australian, Navajo and Cherokee were all gifted crystal skulls from the sky people. The Indigenous civilizations were chosen as the guardians of the crystal skulls. The 13th skull is the cosmic link to bring the energies of the other 12 skulls together. Each of the 12 skulls holds knowledge and teachings for humanity from 12 races of star beings. 12 races of star beings inhabited the earth at different times during human evolution. The Star beings are here to help humanity evolve and ascend to the New Earth.
One of the most famous crystal skulls is the Mitchell Hedges Skull. This Skull is the most studied crystal skull on earth. Some say that it does not have any modern tool markings on it. Others say that it is a fake produced in the mid-nineteenth century.
My belief is that the quartz that the skulls were carved from were ancient deposits. I also believe that the beings that communicate through these skulls are of ancient origins. It doesn’t matter if they were carved from Brazilian Quartz, Arkansas Quartz, Lemurian Quartz, Tibetan Quartz, or Columbian Quartz the quartz has been in the earth for a very long time.
Modern Crystal Skulls are carved by artisans around the world. Some of the best carvers in the world are from China, Brazil and Pakistan. At Etheric Connections we work with several carvers in China. We are fortunate to be able to request the material, size and shape of the skulls that we bring into Etheric Connections. The carvers then choose the piece of stone that are going to use. Then they cut and polish each skull by hand. We have a connection from Brazil that does the same thing with Brazilian Skull carvers and then we choose the skulls that we want.
When the carver is working on the skull a being of higher dimensional origins will choose to teach through a particular skull. The beings know that the person who is meant to receive their teachings will find the skull and become the Crystal Skull Guardian or Caretaker. The Crystal Skull acts as a resistor for the energy of the higher dimensional being. If a human were to receive these teachings directly from the Higher Dimensional Being, they would eventually be overloaded from all the higher dimensional energies. The Physical body just isn’t evolved enough to hold the amount of energy and light that is transmitted by these higher dimensional beings.
Crystal Skulls are not only carved in the shape of humans. There are Elongated and Star Being Skulls, Dragon Skulls, Raven Skulls and others skull shapes are being carved around the world as I type this.
Why would you want to have a crystal skull? As I said before, one reason is to receive the Higher Dimensional Teachings without frying your physical body.
Why would you want to work with a Dragon, Star Being or Raven Skull? One reason is to work with the energies of the Dragons, Star Beings or the Ravens.
George the Crystal Skull
When working with a Crystal Skull, you may ask it to activate your Divine Blueprint. Each Crystal Skull is a source of Divine Consciousness, Divine Knowledge and Divine Wisdom. They speak to us from the place of our origins. We are beings of Light born from the Source Light of Creation. The Crystal Skulls are carrying the Resonance of the New Earth, the Resonance of Love.
Working with Crystal Skulls can aid us in Amplifying and Intensifying our own Vibrational Resonance. They carry the specific Vibrational Frequencies of an inclusive consciousness and know only Love.
Working with Red and Black Skulls will help with connecting more to the Earth Energies and the Higher Dimensional Being that communicates through the Crystal Skull will be of Earthly origins.
Working with Clear Quartz and Amethyst Skulls will help with connecting to the Cosmic Energies. The Beings that will be communicating through these Crystal Skulls will be of Cosmic Origins.
You can work with your Crystal Skull to connect with sacred sites that have Ancient Origins. The Crystal Skulls can transcend time and space. They are time travelers and will aid you in shifting dimensions and timelines.
Working with a Labradorite Skull opens clear communications with the Ascended Masters and may ask to attend the Etheric Retreats of the Ascended Masters.
Working with an Angelite Skull opens clear communications with the Archangels, and you may ask to attend the Etheric Retreats of the Archangels.
You may ask your Crystal Skull for clear guidance with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual questions.
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