Divine Collaboration Holistic Expo December 14-15
Divine Collaboration Holistic Expo December 14-15
Etheric Connections believes in Divine Collaboration. We love hosting the Divine Collaboration Holistic Expo to help others share their work and to bring community together. Leslie and Lloyd have been guided to continue this work through offering greater teaching opportunities and collaboration around the United States and abroad if the opportunity arises. We are available to offer many workshops, lectures, sessions, classes and retreats at your location or in collaboration with an event that you are hosting. Below is a list of opportunities that we are currently offering.
Angelic Light Weaving
Archangels Journey
Axiatonal Alignment
Chamber of the Heart Intuitive workshop
Crystal Grid Workshop
Drum Birthing Workshops
Paths of the Masters
Reiki I with Pet Reiki
Angelic Light Weaving
Axiatonal Alignment
Crystal Grids
Intro to the Chambers of the Heart
Intro to the Paths of the Masters
Pet Reiki
Angelic Light Weaving Healing Sessions
Angelic Light Weaving Intuitive Readings
Axiatonal Alignment Sessions
Chambers of the Heart Group Journeys
Pet Readings
Pet Reiki/Healing Sessions
We are available for :
1-hour lectures with demonstrations
6-hour practitioners classes
In person 30-minute healing sessions
In person 15-intuitive readings
Angelic Light Weaving is a Spiritual Healing modality which uses healing energy transmitted through the Angelic Realm. It is encoded with information containing sacred geometry, symbols, colors and shapes. These symbols, colors and shapes are known as Light Language.
Angelic Light Weaving is Etheric/Energy Field Restructuring. It encompasses all that you are and all that you ever will be. It is used to clear fear, anger, resentment, energetic blockages and dis-ease from the physical, spiritual and emotional bodies. It can be used to restore, rebalance and align the energy of one’s aura.
Angelic Light Weaving can be used to clear physical spaces in which you work, in your home or even hotels when vacationing. It can also be used to enhance vitamins or medication, clearing stones or crystals, blessing food and sending healing energies to the Earth.
Angelic Light Weaving can be used to receive messages from spirit about current, future and past life events that are affecting you during this incarnation.
Angelic Light Weaving can be used for in-person or distant healing sessions, in fact it can be used as a daily practice to light weave for the ascension of Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants.
During a healing session, 5th dimensional energy, symbols, colors and shapes are woven into a person’s physical, emotional and spiritual bodies when they receive light weaving. The light weaving energies emanating from the light weavers hands and fingertips, breaking through barriers of language, time and space. The Light Weaver is a vessel for the Angelic energy to flow through to the person receiving the healing session.
This is sacred and holy work, the Light Weaver and the recipient are both incarnations of the Divine and the Divine energy is flowing into, through and around all involved.
We are available for :
1-hour lectures
8-hour Workshops
1-hour Individual Journeys
3-hour Group Journeys
Do you want to learn about the Archangels?
Do you wish to be in the presence of the Archangels?
Then the Archangels Journey is for you. Learn to connect with the Archangels, to have them walk with you in your daily life.
In the 1-hour lecture we will introduce you to 7 Archangels. We will then do a Chambers of the Heart Journey to connect with one of them
In the 8-hour workshop journey into the Chambers of the Heart to meet the Archangels and receive the messages that they have for you.
We will do 7 Chamber of the Heart meditation focusing on each of the following Archangels:
In the 1-hour lecture we will introduce you to 7 Archangels. We will then do a Chambers of the Heart Journey to connect with one of them.
During this 8-hour workshop meet 7 Archangels and journey to the Chambers of the Heart to see the messages that they have for each of you.
During this 1-hour journey we will be guided which Archangel you are to connect with in the Chambers of the Heart meditation
During this 3-hour group journey we will spend time discussing where the group is at and then journey to the Heart Chambers to see meet the Archangels that the group is to be working with.
We are available for :
1-hour lectures
8-hour practitioners classes
In person 1-hour healing sessions
Axiatonal Alignment is a hands-on healing session which reconnects your physical and etheric energy grid lines to the open-ended energy grid lines of the Universe and of the Earth.
Axiatonal Alignment helps to align your 4 lower bodies to this Universal energy grid system. Axiatonal lines create the energy network in our light body which helps support our bio-energy systems to maximize health and to give harmony and balance to our energetic systems.
The Axiatonal system is a vast network of grid lines linking Cosmic Intelligence and individual consciousness. Energy and information travel from these higher bodies through grid lines into your physical body via the acupuncture meridians. This work aligns you with the grid lines around the Earth and the energy grid lines around you; it reaches far out into the Universe and deep within our cells.
During an Axiatonal Alignment, your grid lines will be activated, your spin points will be activated, your Chakras will be opened, cleared and balanced. You will be reconnected with your Divine Blueprint contained within your Earth Star. This will leave you feeling harmonious and connected to the Cosmic Consciousness.
“The Axiatonal Lines are vibratory lines of energy which connect the levels of human electrochemical activity with astrobiological circuits that span the solar system and are connected with resonating star systems.”
"The Axiatonal Lines connect the acupuncture mapping on the human biological system with superior astrobiological analogs."
-J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch 1977 pg.567
We are available for :
1-hour lectures
4-hour workshop
Crystal Grid Workshop with Leslie and Lloyd Runkle
Crystal Grids are used for many reasons – Love, healing, prosperity, focused visions, and to manifest your soul's life plan to name a few.
Crystal Grids are geometric groupings of crystals around a center stone. The selected crystals work together by harmonizing the energies and intentions of the Crystal grid.
We are available for :
1-hour lectures
8-hour workshop
2-day class
Do you want to learn about the Ascended Masters?
Are you feeling a spontaneous love for the Ascended Masters in your heart?
Do you wish to be in the presence of the Masters?
Then the Paths of the Masters is for you. Learn to call in the Masters, to have them walk with you in your daily life.
If you follow the same teachings of the gurus that the Ascended Masters have followed, you can attain what they have attained.
Learn what the Masters learned while they were here on Earth. Become a devotee of God’s will.
Embracing the teachings will help to clear the auric fields, and help the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies vibrate at a frequency that will support the integration of your light bodies.
During the workshop, you will connect with an Ascended Master during a powerful meditation using a linking technique.
You will learn about Ascension and what you must do to ascend in this lifetime.
Bring the teachings and practices of the Ascended Masters into your life!
In this 1-hour lecture we will discuss the Paths of the Master and do a short meditation to meet an Ascended Master
In the 8-hour workshop we will explore the Paths of the Master and journey to the Chamber of our Hearts to begin working with the ascended masters in your daily lives
In the 2-day class we will take a deep dive into the Paths of the Masters and journey into the Chamber of the Heart with the 7 Chohans of the 7 Energy Rays. This will be 7 Chambers meditations that focus on the qualities of each of the 7 Energy Rays. We will also learn and connect with the Energy Ray that you are working on in this incarnation.
An alternative would be to journey to each of the 7 Etheric Retreats of the Chohans of the 7 Energy Rays.
We are available for :
1-hour lectures
8-hour workshop
Students learn the Chambers of the Heart Release/Healing Process that enables them to find specific blocks that negatively influence relationships, behavior, attitudes, and acceptance. You discover the origin and the faulty thought patterns that created the blocks. Using a specific, directive process, you are able to begin the release of energies that have limited your client’s life.
As the negative patterns are released from the mental and emotional energy bodies, they are replaced with positive, healthy vibrational patterns. Your client’s Human Energy Field will then radiate these positive vibrations instead of the previous negative ones. And, through the Law of Attraction, your clients will begin to attract new and positive situations, people and opportunities that will allow them to fully express the love that they are.
Unique to the Chambers approach are the guided meditations that take individuals and groups into chambers within the heart. These chambers are not found by doctors during an exam of your physical body or by an x-ray. These heart chambers are energetic gateways to higher dimensional sacred spaces. Each heart chamber has its own unique energy grid which brings a unique vibration of universal life force energy into the chamber.
A significant difference between Chambers of the Heart work and the more traditional emotional release therapies is that the Chambers Practitioners receives instruction and training in the development of the ability to sense and work with the chakras and energy fields surrounding the client's body.
Chambers of the Heart Therapy Sessions fall under the category of Energy psychology. Energy psychology is an umbrella term covering a wide variety of techniques - two of the better-known being EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques and TFT - Thought Field Therapy.
What unites the field is the underlying principle that every upsetting emotion, disturbing memory, limiting thought, and irrational or self-destructive impulse is associated with a corresponding disturbance in the subtle energy system - that invisible vibrational matrix which permeates and surrounds us and which we identify locally as meridians, chakras, and the human energy field. By resolving disturbances in the subtle energy system, we can produce a corresponding sense of balance, calm and clarity in our thoughts, emotions and actions.
Experienced Chambers Practitioners are both intuitive and sensitive to the client's energy field, and receive a wealth of information from the client, which can be used to help guide the healing and release process.
In this 1-hour lecture we will discuss the Chambers of the Heart Process and do a short meditation to enter the Chambers of the Heart
In the 8-hour workshop we will explore the Chambers of the Heart and journey into the Chambers of the Hearts. You will learn the Chambers of the Heart Process to begin working with clients to take them into the Chambers of the Heart.
We are available for:
4–5-hour workshop
Lloyd was on a quest to build his own Native American Frame Drum during 2019. Several workshop attempts with local drum makers did not manifest. In early 2020 he set out to make his first drum, after finding the Native American drum material supplier he ordered supplies and built 3 drums in March of 2020. When the shop was shut down during the pandemic, he built a few more drums.
We began offering workshops and have since built over 125 drums in workshops and to sell in the shop.
The hide soaking ceremony is performed by Lloyd the day before the workshop. If your participants would like to join in for this ceremony, we can pre-arrange the time for this.
We will begin the day discussing the relationship that Lloyd has with the drum birthing process and with the new voice that is brought out as the drum dries. We will then move into a demonstration of how to prepare, lace and finish your drum.
Then you will prepare, lace and finish your own frame drum.
There will be feathers, hide, leather, crystals and other embellishments available to add medicine to your drum.
You may bring your own feathers, hide, leathers, crystals or other embellishments to add your own medicine to your drum.
You will also make your own drumstick.
16" Deer
16" Elk
16" Buffalo
18" Deer
18" Elk
18" Buffalo
Drumstick Kit included
During this 4-5 hour workshop you will birth your own drum medicine. We will discuss the medicine of the chosen hide and how the merging of the hide and wood frame give a new voice to the animal and a new purpose for the wood.
We will birth the drum and then the drumstick.
Animal communication can be used to answer all questions about your pets and even wildlife.
Common questions are happiness and quality of health.
Animal communication can assist in early detection and the narrowing down of the issues. This works in harmony with veterinary care. Nutritional matches can be made for optimal food choices for pets.
Does your pet want a playmate?
Animal communication can answer that as well as help select a compatible companion.
When a pet owner feels like they’ve tried every possible way to correct a behavior issue, the answers come right from your pet with animal communication.
Finding lost pets and guiding you back together is animal communication.
When our beloved pets seem ready to cross, animal communication assists the human with decision making.
After our pets have crossed and a human would like to check in, animal communication will assist in getting questions answered.
Pet Readings are approximately 15 minutes
· What is your pet thinking?
· Is your pet happy?
· Is your pet Healthy?
· Behavioral challenges?
· Does your pet have anything to tell you?
· Leslie can provide support for veterinary care.
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